By: teri on September 1, 2010
Morning Thoughts on Day 3- 9/1/2010:
Low and behold, there is a day three to this madness. Yesterday I really wasn’t sure if I was going to continue or not. I got hungry more often than I was happy about. The drinks helped, but sometimes as soon as 30 minutes after I had finished the drink I felt hungry again. My effort to drink more drinks went pretty well. I got to 9 drinks which is, of course, significantly better than a 4, but still not the goal amount. Maybe I need to be better about making a drink as soon as I get hungry no matter how quickly after the last one it is.
In my hungered state, I questioned what I was doing. I have read the informational booklet on The Master Cleanse and there are a lot of things in there that I really like. There are also a ton of things in there that I think are crap. I told Norm, one of the problems when you don’t believe in everything, is that it can make you wonder about what you do believe in. (I’m not gonna take that to the next level of conversation but keep it right here about the detox) How do I know that they stuff they say, the stuff that I like, is real? How do I know that it is doing what I want it to be doing?
Tony sent me a great article from a “Dr. Andrew Weil. He is a harvard MD and the granfather basically of the integrative medicine program which is a combination of western and holistic medicine.” Tony was a tad concerned about the Sea Salt Flush that I was doing so just wanted me to read something from a “legit” doctor.
It was very informative actually and I liked everything he said. One of the things that stuck out in this article for both Norm and I is “In evaluating claims for flushes and other cleansing regimes, be aware that the body does a pretty good job of cleansing and purifying itself. If you focus on good nutrition, regular exercise, and other healthy habits, you won’t feel the need to do this sort of thing.”
I believe this. In fact, this is what I am counting on. Live a healthy lifestyle and everything else will fall into place.
My purpose with this cleanse, is essentially a starting block. No, its even before the starting block, its my eraser in an attempt to make a clean slate.
I am an emotional eater. You can tell if I am having a rough day with the kids based on what I am eating. I am a bored eater. If there is nothing better to do I find food and eat. What I wonder is if I have trained myself, my body, to “need” food around that 3pm time when all I want to do is snack. If all the refined sugar that I have been eating has been making me crave more…. I want to wipe that away. This cleanse, what I want it to do for me, is wash out physically and mentally those habits, toxins, whatever, so that I can start a healthy clean eating lifestyle.
Thats what I want. What I don’t really know, is if this Master Cleanse will even do that.
Yesterday when I told Norm I was hungry and I didn’t know what to do, he asked how I was feeling besides that.
Truth is, I feel great. Lots of energy, I’ve never felt lethargic or emotional or anything that you may think could be a side effect. And of course I’m hungry…. I’m not eating. I love food and so the drink over and over gets a little boring. Maybe that is why I don’t jump to make it.
I don’t know if what I am doing is working towards the purposes that I want, but I feel confident that I am not doing any damage to myself either.
I don’t want to quit just because I am hungry. This morning I did a full workout with Marcus. We did boxing and some weights. I felt good. I still feel good. I did my Sculpt Yoga class Monday night. I felt good then too. I don’t mind quitting if there are negative side effects or I stop feeling good, in fact, I will quit in those cases, but I don’t want to stop just because. I’d like to play this thing out and see if, by chance, it does do what it says it will. What I hope it will.
So…. lets start with Day 3!