Every Passing Minute Is Another Chance To Turn It All Around.

Master Cleanse – Day 4

By: teri on September 2, 2010

Day 4 – 9/2/2010:

What am I doing now? I’m not so sure.
Last night wasn’t so great. We went to bed early but I had trouble falling asleep as my tummy was growling. Like full tiger growling. I didn’t “feel” hungry, but I sure heard my stomach asking for something and I could tell it was empty. Once I fell asleep I was fine and I didn’t wake up starving or anything like that.

I made the decision not to do the salt water flush anymore but I’m half considering doing it one more time or at least starting to drink the herbal laxative tea at night like they say. The first two days, immediately following the salt water I went to the bathroom numerous times, but each day, I didn’t go any more in the afternoon or evening.
Yesterday, I don’t think I went at all. I mean, I have to pee all the time, but… no waste is coming out.
Isn’t the purpose to clean out all the (literally) crap? Norm said, if, in fact it is like flushing out pipes, there is a finite amount of stuff that is in there. Theoretically, once it is cleaned out, if no more solid junk is going in it should be good.
So I’m wondering, am I good? Did I clean myself out? That is why I’m thinking of doing one more flush, just to check out what comes out. (gross I know)

As for right now I’m chugging along like usual. AJ woke up just after 6am so I started early.
Drink #1 at 6:15am.
Drink #2 at 7:30am.
Drink #3 at 9am.
Drink #4 at 10:05am.

Drink #5 at 11:10am. Food Food Food. That is all I can think about and that is why I made my drink and walked out of Ty and AJ sitting in the kitchen eating lunch. I was fine, felt fine, and then I started making the boys lunch. Standing in front of the refrigerator while Tyler is checking out “what me wants” I see the leftover homemade pizza, the cut up watermelon and clean grapes, even the pasta with homemade sauce looks good in there. Sauteed Veggies. String Cheese. Oh my gosh I want food.
After less than a minute in front of the refrigerator Ty decided he wanted “your noodle and vegetables from the cold one.” Which is my Yakisoba noodle bowl and I figured that was perfect because AJ likes that too.
But it smelled so good. Cutting it up and dishing it into their bowls….
I really don’t want to quit because I’m hungry in the middle of making food for the kids. It just seems, well, like the wrong reason. I said it the first day, making and being around food while trying to do something like this is self torture.

Sitting here at the computer, my stomach feels fine again. Not that I don’t want food if I start thinking about it, but I don’t feel like I need food anymore. Just have to stay out of the kitchen!

Drink #6 at 12:30. Ty was down for his nap and AJ and I were hanging in the family room and I’ve mostly decided I would be stopping today or tomorrow but I made my drink anyway.
Drink #7 at 2:10 just before going to pick up Jaxon.

Okay, its official, I’m tapering off. I was on the phone with Jessica chatting about this whole “thing” I’ve gotten myself into and basically decided that I was done. We talked about how the book describes for you to eat once you’ve finished. (which is pretty crazy actually because it calls for OJ for 2 days after and then on the 3rd day OJ in the morning followed by fruit and salad for lunch and dinner and THEN you are ready to eat again.)
Maybe its because I haven’t even been on it for a full 4 days, but I feel completely normal, like I could eat anything. Having said that, I’m not really sure if my insides feel that way, so I figure I’ll ease into it.
I went to get myself a cup of OJ, but instead found the leftover watermelon. I couldn’t help it. Its mostly water anyway right :-)
At about 4:30, I ate the watermelon. YUM.

Now, I think I will have that cup of OJ and maybe a salad or something tonight and then start my clean eating tomorrow!

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