By: teri on September 3, 2010
I’m done. Last night, before we went to Back to School Night I had a cup of orange juice. When we got home, I made myself a salad with romaine lettuce, leftover chicken and Light Cheese Fantastico Dressing and I also I finished off the tiny bit of caprese salad that we had in the fridge.
In addition to that, I found a leftover chocolate bar from my nutrisystem food and I ate that. It was so yummy.
I know many people were, lets just go with hesitant, about my taking part in the Master Cleanse. I appreciate the support even though you didn’t think I should be doing it.
I have to say, I really liked it. I did. I don’t know if what I wanted to have happen actually happened. I can’t see inside my body and check to see if my bits and pieces are all shinny. But, I feel good. I am happy to have done it and I am now ready for my next step, which will hopefully be the diet I am on for the rest of my life.
I started in on Tosca Reno’s The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged (already reading the Eat-Clean Diet) and I’m pretty pumped about the possibilities. I talked with Norm a bit about this this morning and I have talked with Jessica about it in the past, as a mom, you are “in control” of so many things… the kids, schedules, the house, but you actually _have_ control of just about nothing. Very often even when you make workouts a priority, something comes up that you can’t ignore (i.e. kids).
But what you put in your mouth, the food that you choose to eat, that is 100% in your control. I believe that. I can control that and no one else is to blame but myself. That is one of the things I like about Tosca’s book, she gives tip after tip on how to take control and keep it. And that is what I hope to do.
As far as numbers go, from the Master Cleanse, I can give you what my scale tells me. I don’t think it means much since more than likely it was water loss, but you can have it anyway. On Monday morning I was 129.8lbs, 21.2%BF, Tummy 31.8″, Bellybutton 30.4″ and Hips 37.5″.
This morning I was 126lbs, 21.4%BF, T 31.5″, BB 29.8″, H 37.5″.
(and Lorri, my BF scale is anywhere from 2-4% lower than my actual, or when I get dunked.)
More than hoping I can keep off the weight, I hope this cleanse, physically but also mentally, will give me a clean start. By that I mean, physically I hope my body has no cravings inside (for sweet type things) and no pre-formed habit that it must eat snacks in the afternoon, etc.
Mentally, I hope I realize what my body is capable of. After my dinner Sunday night, I ate nothing until 4:30pm on Thursday. I drank a lemonade concoction, and I felt good. Energetic, happy, capable. If nothing else, I hope what I just did shows myself, that I can… whatever it is… I can.
I didn’t know you were going to do this. Good for you. I’ve done a few cleanses. I’ve been surprised at the difference they have made in my hypoglycemia and other little things. I’ve been increasingly surprised at what a difference what we eat makes on my health.
I’m glad you feel like you can do anything. What a powerful feeling to be in control of ourselves.