Every Passing Minute Is Another Chance To Turn It All Around.

Posts Tagged ‘roston’

12/15/2012: Club Boys Christmas Party

By: hamson on December 15, 2012

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11/10/2012: Broparich Reception Photos

By: hamson on November 10, 2012

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3/9/2012: Welcome Home Rostons!!

By: hamson on March 9, 2012

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11/6/2011: London Last Day

By: hamson on November 6, 2011

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11/5/2011: London (Remember Remember)

By: hamson on November 5, 2011

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot.
I see no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot…

Another great day, though I did cause a few snags. We went to Churchill’s War Room and walked around until our feet were sore. Then as we walked toward Parliament and Big Ben, we stopped to take a picture and the camera battery died. (Snag #1- didn’t recharge the camera) So we did walk to Parliament, but I decided we were going to have to go back with a good camera tomorrow so we passed by pretty quick. We went to a super cool comic book store, Forbidden Planet, and there I learned I left my Oyster card (card that gets me on the “tube” (subway)) in the room. (Snag #2- had to buy a day pass for tube).
Once I got over the fact that I didn’t have a camera, the day was great! A lunch of fish and chips, a trip to the British Museum (the Rosetta Stone is as cool as you think it is), a walk through Eryn and Trisha’s AMAZING park and then back to their house for games and hanging out…. with a super yummy Indian dinner in there too.

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11/4/2011: London Day 2

By: hamson on November 4, 2011

Today was a long, full day and thankfully… no rain! That is really convenient since we are walking around everywhere trying to take in the sites. Tower of London was our big tourist destination today and it did not disappoint! We also got to see where Eryn and Trisha work and live, ride the tube, eat in a Pub and just enjoy the city.

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11/3/2011: London Day 1

By: hamson on November 3, 2011

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10/17/2010: Hawaii Day 3 – Wedding Day

By: hamson on October 17, 2010

The reason for the trip! Happy Wedding Day to Eryn and Trisha. The ceremony was short and sweet out on the beach, followed by pictures, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, a great dinner and then on to Lulu’s for the after party. It was a wonderful day.

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Iwan’s Hawaii Photos

By: hamson on October 15, 2010

A select few of the photos taken by Iwan and Sara Thomas.

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Buhr’s Hawaii Photos

By: hamson on October 15, 2010

A select few of the photos taken by Gabe and Rhiannon Buhr.

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1/17/2010: Family Workout & Sad Chargers Game

By: hamson on January 17, 2010

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12/19/2009: E.Roston’s Christmas/Hannaukah Party

By: hamson on December 19, 2009

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